Monday, April 16, 2007

Maps and Interchanges Used as Design

Is interesting how some designers have used maps and highway interchanges as design… with a twist… of course. Like this one:

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The name of the design is “Did We Miss The Exit?” by Jim Termeer. He has designed a set of 25 ceramic tiles; all based on satellite imagery of the largest and most important highway interchanges from major cities around the globe. Each tile is a 15” x 15” white ceramic and the graphics are made of black glaze. Although seen from satellite, these interchanges could look very complex, he has simplified the shapes beautifully

Here’s another example:

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NB: Studio has created a map of the city of London just by using the names of the streets and neighborhoods, emphasizing the importance of the diagram in the daily visual culture. This is to be a wonderful idea and he work graphically fascinating. You can find these maps for sale at this website. I wonder why I didn’t think of this before?

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