Saturday, April 28, 2007

Price House: Great Example of Organic Architecture

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This house is definitely what organic architecture is all about. This is Price House, designed by architect, Bart Price. The house is located in Corona del Mar, CA and is practically a virtual definition of organicism with its free flowing interior spaces, its geometries, and the use of different organic materials. According to Price’s website, “the scheme grew from the inside-out beginning with the desires for privacy as well as integration with the site and close association with the sea”.

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Once inside, the wall texture was created by using the traditional elements of timber and shingle in a whole different way, working as a decorative element, and in addition, giving the house a cozy/cavernous feel. No need for paintings here.

The center of the house is a beautiful pool, crossed by a small bridge, and the bedrooms lie on either side. The formal core of the house rests in three columns which simulate an abstract tree trunk, approaching the organic architecture used largely by Gaudi and Wright.

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Organic architecture does not seek to divide, cut or rule, but instead, allows the space to flow naturally into one another. It displays an almost mystical environment, sort of like a stage set.

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