Saturday, June 2, 2007

Richest Man In India Builds A 60-Story Family Home

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India’s richest man, Mukesh Ambani, is building a new crib in Mumbai: a 60-story family home!
Ambani is the chairman and the largest shareholder of Reliance Industries Ltd (a Fortune 500 company), making him the world’s 14th richest person.
The residence will be called Antilia (after a mythical island) and the plan, designed by Perkins+Will, will have entertainment centers, a health club, a helipad, a six floor parking garage, among other areas that a typical house doesn’t have.
The construction began in late 2006, and is expected to be complete in September of 2008.
According to plan, the house will rise to a height of 568 feet, comparable to that of a standard 60-story building. Yet, Antilia will have only 27 floors, meaning that each floor will have a ceiling much higher than average.
For more info, visit Mumbai News.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't know what to do with a 3 level home. Imagine 60.