An Announcement
Over the next few weeks, there will be some exciting changes to this site. You see, when I started this weblog I never thought it was going to acquire the decent amount of hits I get today, so I didn’t want to invest much on it.
I am grateful that in just a few months, The Pompomist has gained some popularity. It’s still a weblog in diapers, but I think a little face lift is well deserved.
I don’t want to tell you much. I prefer to leave it as a surprise, but I will say that fundamentally the site will have a new web hosting company and a more professional appearance with new features. I actually sat down a few days ago and wrote a plan for this site. Not the I’ll-figure-it-out-as-I-go-along kinda plan… It is the kind of plan that’s well thought out while delivering the same mixture of interesting, creative and wonderful ideas. So hang on and I promise better things in the future.
And for this, I thank you...