Monday, May 28, 2007

Reggaeton: A Two-Beat Repetition

With all my respect to Reggaeton lovers, I have one simple question: What is up with the Reggaeton ‘artists’ wearing dark sunglasses everywhere they go? Whether is daytime or nighttime… they always wear them. I don’t get it.
I was watching an interview on the tele with some [famous?] Reggaeton duo and they looked so idiotic to me that I had to take a picture of the screen to show it to you.
Yeah, yeah… I’ll admit it. When I am at a party or club, I do dance one or two of these. But I still find the beat annoying with its two-beat constant repetition, making all the songs sound exactly the same. The lyrics are vulgar while promoting women as sexual objects. And most importantly, it has NOTHING to do with reggae.

Reggae = Awesomely Good
Reggaeton = Bad

So, you. Yeah, you know who you are… start learning how to appreciate REAL music, not some guy singing badly to a repetitive beat.


Anonymous said...

I agree. To me, reggaeton is worse than country.

Anonymous said...

Those are just "Rode it like a Ford" wanna-be's.