Sunday, May 20, 2007

An Update On My Mother's Bargain Obsession...

Do you remember that article about my mother’s obsession with bargain hunting? Well, here's an update. Early this morning I arrived to my mother's house to spend the day with her. Once I opened the door, she very happily said (in Spanish):

Mom: Hi, sweetheart! How are you?
Me: I’m good, Mom, how about you?
Mom: Oh, I’m great! Wait until I show you what I got yesterday after work! Wait! Let me look for them! Stay put, Ok?!
Me: Uh… ok, Mom.

She rapidly picked up the goods and told me the long and complex story of how she purchased these items so cheap. Now, let me break this down for you:

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Anolon Titanium Saucepan
Regular price $60.00 – Got it for $8.99

White Cotton Top
Regular price $48.00 – Got it for $7.99

Black INC Top (she said she monitored this item for a full month until it got to the price she was willing to pay for it)
Regular price $65.00 – Got it for $9.99

Retro Top
Regular price $45.00 – Got it for $7.99

If purchased at regular price, the grand total would have been $218. She spent $34.96… a total savings of $183.04…


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I've gotta start hanging out w/ your mom...seriously!