Wednesday, July 25, 2007

From The Music Department

‘Monster Hospital’ - Metric
Driving, catchy, scary and original, it grabs you right away! I absolutely love rock bands with a girl as lead singer. This song is one of my favorite songs of the summer.

’Paris’ – Tacks, The Boy Disaster

Talk about beautiful… holly crap! This song gives me the chills. I don’t like to pick favorites, but if you only download one of these songs, download this one! Keep this band in mind… it will be a Featured Artist at The Pompomist in the following weeks.

‘Rest My Chemistry’ - Interpol

I got their new album ‘Our Love To Admire’ just a few days ago, and it truly rocks! Interpol is one of my absolute favorite Indie bands. I actually haven’t been able to get past this song, which has been stuck in my head since I picked up the album.

’Lazy Lover’ – Brazilian Girls

This song is so soothing, so wonderful, it should’ve been used in a movie. So ambient, I actually float away when I listen to it, physically and mentally.

‘The other Man’ - Sloan

Is there another band out there like Sloan? One capable of writing a song about cheating that is both cool and rocks? I don’t think so. This song has been added recently to my ‘Getting ready to go out’ playlist… Why? I don’t know… I just simply like it. My Canadian friend Chris mentioned this song a few days ago on her weblog The Scottish Lemon.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Metric - another fab Canadian band. Good choice :>)