Thursday, September 20, 2007


The following video is a clip of the show 'The View' aired last Tuesday:

The lady in the middle is Sherri Shepherd, a new co-host for the show, as well as a person who's not sure if the world is flat or round... You must be joking...
Unlike Miss Carolina (read here), I don't think Mrs. Shepherd is stupid... besides, she's in The View for a reason, right? Maybe is just simple-mindedness or plain ignorance.
Mrs. Shepperd: I advice you to now and then pick up a book, go to the internet or read the newspaper at least. There's no excuse for ignorance in 2007.

"I don't know... I... I never thought about it"
Remember that one...


Froggy said...

Are you freakin' kidding me??????

Anonymous said...

Ignorance is no excuse. I can't believe this lady. She probably got a lot of viewer comments all over the internet.

Anonymous said...

There's nothing more dangerous to society than plain ignorance. I cannot believe she is in natl tv.