Sunday, April 8, 2007

The Museum of Modern Art

The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) is unique. Its spectacular art collection includes works of architecture and design, drawings, painting and sculpture, photography, film, and media. Also a great compilation of design materials: from personal accessories to home accessories and tableware, furniture, prints and illustrated books. If you like art museums, you could spend hours walking around just looking at the items one by one in detail.

The MOMA building is huge, for an American museum that is. I highly recommend to bring something to snack on… it’s an all day event.

MoMA is located on New York City’s Midtown Manhattan, on 53rd Street and between 5th and 6th Avenues. It is considered by many as the leading museum of modern art in the world. Its permanent collection contains great masterpieces by the finest artists from around the globe. It is fascinating to see them in real life: Warhol, Monet, Van Gogh, O’Keefe, Matisse, Picasso and all those famous artists who followed.

My personal favorite, which literally took my breath away, is Andrew Wyeth’s “Christina’s World” (1948, tempera on gessoed panel - 32 1/4" x 47 3/4").

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Wikipedia says about the painting:

"It shows a woman named Christina Olson, who had an undiagnosed muscular deterioration that paralyzed her lower body, perhaps poliomyelitis, dragging herself across the ground to pick flowers from her garden".

It might look like a silent and simple painting from this photo, but seeing it live it’s an experience that surrounds and saturates you.

Bottom line... visit MoMA... you'll be glad you did.

PD: Here's a picture of your amateur photographer and writer.

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Anonymous said...

Nice pic of you, Jamie. BTW, when are you coming back to NYC?

Anonymous said...

nice photo!
