Saturday, May 5, 2007

Bad Words

(Warning: Some bad words used liberally.)

I don't like curse words; however I have to be realistic. I know that on occasion it slips. And that’s okay (don't get me wrong. I am a big fan of South Park). At times, you just cannot get your point across well if you don’t use one. It’s just how it is…
But there's a limit to everything. I find it rude when people use curse words in every little thing they say. I have a neighbor who is like that. He uses bad words in every single sentence... whenever, wherever, and it’s really bothersome. He lives with his fiancĂ©e, who happens to be a very nice girl (I still don’t understand why she is with him). I find him rude and intimidating… he seems like a wife-beater to me.
To him, people are only worth talking by using the words "fuck" or “shit” as a noun, adjective, verb, article, and preposition.
When he is smoking a cigarette outside in his balcony, and I make the big mistake of going outside my balcony at the same time he’s there, he gets on. It just never fails. He doesn't talk like a normal person will do. Instead, he stands right inside my comfort zone, uses his annoying curse words, and breathes heavily.
Just when I see that he’s about to talk crap and make me his bitch, I break the silence by talking about something decent and intellectual that I think will interest him, so he doesn’t have to bring up these words… like the weather, US economy or something. But it doesn’t work, and without fail, he takes offense to everything that I have to say. So, the conversations go something like this:

At the balcony:
Me: Good morning! How are you doing?
Him: It could be better if I win the lottery… fuck! Now that I think about it, I am going right now to fucking Publix and play the fucking lotto. I have a few numbers written down. I hope I fucking win. I want to fucking retire soon.
Me: Oh. Good luck then.

By the pool area:
Me: Thank God the weekend is here! It’s such a beautiful day outside, isn’t it?
Him: Everybody have to fucking work! I look at your hands and I tell you don't like to fucking work!
Me: I use Dove and lotions.

At the laundry room:
Me: Good afternoon! What time is it, please?
Him: It is fucking 4:30p on a Saturday. Shit! What am I doing here?! I’m going to grab a fucking beer.

At the parking lot, arriving home from work:
Me: Ugh, it sure is hot outside.
Him: Who gives a shit? It's nice. Girls tend to wear less clothes when is hot…HAHAHAHA!
He slaps me in the arm and dislocates it.
Me: Hehe.
Him: What the fuck? You’re wearing long pants? HAHAHAHA!
He slaps me in the arm so rudely that it almost fell off.
Me: Well, I have to go. Bye now.

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