Saturday, May 12, 2007

Is There To Stay

A few weeks ago, I posted a list of 10 Things I Would Stuff Into My Mouth By The Handful If Society Did Not Dictate Otherwise… Including My Gastroenterologist. Then, that same day, two male readers said that I was somewhat ‘vulgar’ by listing that I would stuff into my mouth (they actually used the word “eat”), John Krasinski, Daniel Craig and Paul Banks.


And there began some confusing several minutes since vulgarity was sooo not my intention.
I rapidly emailed, telephoned, IMed and personally talked to other male Pompomist readers and asked if they thought the same way… Heck! I also googled topics like “is Jamie vulgar?", and couldn’t find any evidence to back this up, or someone else who thought of it that way. I even showed the list to my friend Kim, who exclaimed, “Nah! I totally don’t find it vulgar.”, and also Dacmara, who said, “Hmmm… maybe they said it because they’re just jealous… they probably wanted to be on your list.”

So for now, I’ll leave the list as it is… because I still don’t see it vulgar. If the items are, in fact, vulgar, all I ask is that you not tell my mom that I posted this list.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Perverted minds see what perverted minds want to see :o) Get your heads out of the gutter boys. If you want vulgar, I can show you, & trust me, that ain't it!