Monday, May 7, 2007

Bizarre Names Parents Are Using These Days

Claudette is a friend of mine who is a middle school teacher. It is actually interesting to hear her talk about her experiences working in a school. One of the funniest things she talks about is all the retarded names parents are naming their children these days. I mean, these names will definitely prevent the kids from getting hired at a decent job. Here are some of them (thanks for the info, Claudette):


Nychole (yep, because this name is way better than the normal version)

Brendashia (is 'classier' than just Brenda)


Dakota Bear (poor boy)


Kamrei (this is pronounced Kam ree. I guess its cool naming your kid after a car)


Sharmonica (this one really left me scratching my head)

Alexandrya (Oh yeah, using that Y really makes this name significantly more creative)




Shatawn LaShay (LaShay is part of the name)

La Debra (Oh. I get it! That’s because she's THE Debra)

Shawniece (maybe her uncles picked her name)


Unknown said...

I went to school w/ a girl named Toshiba (like the T.V.) & my aunt teaches a girl named Tequilla (but it's pronounced Ta-quil-a because that makes it all better.)

Anonymous said...

maybe you should add Fantasia from americal idol...

Anonymous said...

I have a friend named Shawniece and I don't think it's a retarded name at all. My cousin named his daughter Alizae, like the alcoholic drink. Now that's retarded.

Shawniece said...

Sometimes I see things online that I just HAVE to respond to. So when I came upon this little gem I was saddened to see that such limited and rigid thinking still exists. To designate certain names as "normal" and others as not is ... well... ignorant and wrong. (yes, I said it) It is suggested in your blog that these children could eventually have difficulty finding employment but sadly that sort of prejudice is not only predicted but seems to be expected, justified and condoned. Now, is that right? Bias of this magnitude should be challenged and attacked at every opportunity but instead you took the option of perpetuating ignorance and intolerance. Strangely, this blog was posted as humor but .... it doesn't seem very funny to me.

Now I may be slightly bent because I don't understand exactly when and how My name became "bizarre". ????? In a multi-cultural society I would expect that there would be room and ... Appreciation for diversity. Our differences are what make the world interesting and beautiful and that point seems to be lost on your blog. My sincere suggestion is that you get out a little more. Expand your horizons a bit. What is deemed to be "normal" or not "acceptable" or not may not be as set in stone as you believe. If the world were filled with monosyllabic names that would probably get a little stale and boring. On the other hand I would not name my child * Chester, Abigail, Wilbur, Gretchen, Pranov or ... Apple =) but I also would not knock anyone that chose to do so. Having a blog means that you have the mic so try encouraging inclusion, understanding, tolerance and cross-cultural education instead of divisive judgment. Long gone are the days when one could maintain a self-satisfied assumption that their way of thinking was the only correct way of thinking. Hello .... 2007 is calling.

Shawniece LaShawn ;)

I'd like to thank my friend above for commenting so promptly after seeing my rant regarding this blog =)

*The above names come from the Social Security website's list of Top 1,000 Baby Names ~
except perhaps Apple